Install Help

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Install Help

Post by cmedik » Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:34 pm

I can usually get scripts to install but this one is new for me.

Open a terminal session and enter the following command (ensure that you replace the directory
location and filename to be accurate): rpm -i /path/to/uploaded/package

I do have ssh and root. So if im on main home directory and make a folder called MagicSpam and download magicspampro-cpanel-2.0-3.1-rhel664-cpnl11.x86_64.rpm than want to upload this file to that directory, could you please explain what I need to type.


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Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:27 pm

Re: Install Help

Post by magicspam » Mon Sep 29, 2014 4:19 pm

Hello cmedik,

If you are upgrading, it is recommended that the old package be completely removed first:

rpm -e magicspampro-cpanel

To send the MagicSpam Professional installation package to your server, you can use scp on Linux or WnSCP for Windows

Using scp:

scp <directory of magicspam>magicspampro-cpanel-2.0-3.1-rhel664-cpnl11.x86_64.rpm <user>@<server.I.P>:<directory in server>

After you have the files copied to your server please use the following command to install MagicSpam Professional.

rpm -i <magicspampro-cpanel.rpm>

Don't forget to change the name on the package to the one you currently have in your server. In this particular case:

rpm -i magicspampro-cpanel-2.0-3.1-rhel664-cpnl11.x86_64.rpm

Please let us know if you have any more questions.

-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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