How to stop blocking mail from localhost like Mailman lists

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How to stop blocking mail from localhost like Mailman lists

Post by widomaker » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:55 pm


We use MagicSpam on Plesk 11 (CentOS 6) with Postfix. We only use IPv4 addresses on the server.

I have noticed that messages sent from Mailman mailing lists (coming from the local machine) have been blocked. I had previously added to the IP whitelist because other locally generated e-mails were being blocked (such as notification e-mails generated by Plesk itself). However, for some reason, MagicSpam is still blocking e-mail messages from localhost. It appears MagicSpam thinks that Mailman on localhost is using IPv6 so that the whitelisting for does not match. The blocking of Mailman mailing list messages seems to use the rule for "check_dynamic_reverse_dns".

How can this be fixed? Any suggestions?

See log entries below...

Code: Select all

2013-08-05 15:26:54 magicspam-milter[8045]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>
2013-08-05 15:26:54 magicspam-milter[8046]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>
2013-08-05 15:26:54 magicspam-milter[8047]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>
2013-08-05 15:26:54 magicspam-milter[8049]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>
2013-08-05 15:26:54 magicspam-milter[8050]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>
2013-08-05 15:26:54 magicspam-milter[8051]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>
2013-08-05 15:26:55 magicspam-milter[8058]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>
2013-08-05 15:26:56 magicspam-milter[8063]: SPAM[check_dynamic_reverse_dns]: mua=0,ip=[IPv6:::1:localhost],helo=<>,from=<>,rcpt=<x>

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Re: How to stop blocking mail from localhost like Mailman li

Post by magicspam » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:52 am

Hello Widomaker, and thank you for your post!

In this particular case, it would appear that your /etc/hosts file has not been configured yet for the server to be 'self aware' of the host names associated with its own localhost interfaces - both ipv4 and ipv6.

In this case this can be rectified by modifying /etc/hosts with:

... localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

which should then allow MagicSpam to properly identify the source records without issue.

We hope this information helps!

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