rl-manager.php missing - broken cron task

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rl-manager.php missing - broken cron task

Post by WebTree » Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:25 am

Since this morning we have been getting an issue with a MagicSpam cron task which fails as there is no rl-manager.php in the scripts folder. Also, I dont know if this is related but if I try and disable the cron task so I can stop the error email notification every 5 minutes, this fails and i get error 'file_put_contents failed: '.

Please can anyone advise how to resolved this?


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Re: rl-manager.php missing - broken cron task

Post by magicspam » Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:35 pm

Hello WebTree,

Thank you for your post.

The issue you are reporting, where MagicSpam cron task fails as there is no rl-manager.php in the scripts folder has been corrected in the latest version of MagicSpam.

Could you please upgrade your MagicSpam to the latest available version for your system and let us know if that resolves the issue?

Please let us know if you have any additional questions in the meantime.

Thank you.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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Re: rl-manager.php missing - broken cron task

Post by WebTree » Tue Apr 18, 2017 3:33 am

We've now uninstalled the extension to stop the notifications.

We had installed via the Plesk extension catalog which has version 2.0.7-1, how do we update this to the latest version?

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Re: rl-manager.php missing - broken cron task

Post by WebTree » Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:52 pm

It appears it hasn't fully uninstalled. The catalog is no longer saying it's installed but the cron tasks are still there and trying to run even after manually removing them from the scheduled tasks list and rebooting the server.

How can we stop this and install the latest version? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Re: rl-manager.php missing - broken cron task

Post by WebTree » Wed Apr 19, 2017 3:32 am

It looks like there may be an update now for the plesk extension to 2.0.8-1 but i'm now getting an error when I try and install it from the catalog: Error: Failed to install the extension: Corrupted meta.xml file.


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Re: rl-manager.php missing - broken cron task

Post by magicspam » Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:23 pm

To manually repair the cron job issue, you can run (as root) the following command:

crontab -e

locate the line with rl-manager.php and delete it. It is a little odd that the package removal did not remove that cron job however. Do you happen to run SELinux or any other security enhancements on your server that might prevent a package from accessing system components?

We are currently in conversations with the Plesk extensions team to discover the cause of the corrupt meta.xml error message and will post back once we find out what the cause is.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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