license expires each month and stops filtering

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license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by dadeitch » Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:04 am

this has happened 2-3 months in a row now. I get complaints about from spam from our customers and when I go check MagicSpam, it prompts me for my license key. Once in, it's fine but this keeps happening. Why isn't it autorenewing like it's supposed to?


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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by magicspam » Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:41 am

Hello dadeitch,

Thank you for your post, and for supporting MagicSpam!

Are you currently using the latest version of MagicSpam 1.0.8-1.1?

To obtain the latest version of MagicSpam, and update instructions,
please follow the link below, and log in using your MagicSpam license.

If you are running the latest version, this could be a connectivity
problem with your MagicSpam server not been able to verify the license
key. The server needs to connect to TCP destination on port 443, please
check on your firewall settings.

If you are still experiencing this unexpected behavior please provide
us with the following information.

MTA (qmail or postfix)
cPanel version
OS and architecture (32 or 64 bit)

Please let us know if you have any questions.

-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by dadeitch » Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:01 pm

after putting the key back in, the license updated the date to next month, which I assume means that it communicated with the server. However, it's not processing any email at all.

Professional 2.0-3.1
CENTOS 5.10 x86_64 virtuozzo – po-001 WHM 11.44.1 (build 21)

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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by dadeitch » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:19 am

24 hours and no response?

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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by magicspam » Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:18 am

Hello dadeitch,

Our apologies, our offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 A.M to 5:00 PM Pacific time.

To make sure your server is able to connect to our license verfication system, could you send us the output of the following command:


Please let us know if you have any more questions

--MagicSpam Support Team --

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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by dadeitch » Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:42 am

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<h1 title="Become a MagicSpam Reseller">Become a MagicSpam Reseller</h1>

<p>Thanks for your interest in becoming a MagicSpam reseller. There are two types of reseller programs available, and it depends how you want to earn your money.</p>

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<div id="AgentInfoBlurb" class="tabcontent">
<div id="TeaserContent0" style="display: block" class="tabpage"><p>The first and simplest method is to become a MagicSpam Agent. In this case, all you do is signup and redirect traffic to our store front. You will create a special link for purchases on your site which your visitors/customers or you will use to buy MagicSpam. You will receive a percentage of all sales purchased through your link. It's that simple. You will be sent cheques quarterly, and it includes not only initial purchases, but recurring revenue as well.<br /><br /><a href="javascript:showSignup('agent')">Sign Up as a MagicSpam Agent</a></p></div>

<div id="TeaserContent1" class="tabpage"><p>For those who wish to be more involved in your customers purchases, the Reseller program may be for you. Resellers purchase licenses through our Reseller License Manager, at discounted rates depending on the volume of sales. We offer Bronze, Silver and Gold partnering programs. Gold partners even get access to our API's to allow purchases directly from your store application. You pay monthly for your licenses, and you can manage/suspend/add licenses at your convenience, with complete financial tracking. Silver and Gold members get special incentives including demo licenses, variable billing methods and more.<br /><br /><a href="javascript:showSignup('reseller')">Sign Up as a MagicSpam Reseller</a></p></div>

<div id="TeaserContent2" class="tabpage"><p>The advantages of being a reseller are obvious. A simple way to generate recurring revenue, or if you need to buy licenses in bulk you have the ability to get the best prices possible. The more you sell or buy, the cheaper your costs become. And as MagicSpam becomes more and more widely accepted as the obvious choice for Spam protection for email servers in general, selling and using MagicSpam becomes easier, no matter what your email server solution. Spam Protection BELONGS in the email server SMTP process. If you are in the business of selling or developing email servers, and wish more information on Gold Partnering programs, custom development of MagicSpam for your technology, or other partnering inquiries, please use the contact form below. MagicSpam is protecting millions of users worldwide. Why not let it protect your customers?</p></div>

<div id="TeaserContent3" class="tabpage"><p>Start making money, and help you and your customers stop spam simply and easily. Choose the type of Reseller Program you wish, fill out our online forms and you can be approved almost immediately. For Bronze and Silver Resellers we will need a valid Visa or MasterCard on file in order to process your application. You can start as a Bronze Reseller and upgrade when your volume demands.</p></div>
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<h2>General Contact Inquiries</h2>
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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by dadeitch » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:34 pm

I have customers being bombarded by spam while your product isn't doing it's job AND you are not responding to posts in less than 24 hours. Please respond.

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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by admin » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:40 pm

Hello dadeitch

could you please provide the following:

cat /etc/cron.d/magicspam-update

and also

grep magicspam /var/log/syslog

Please let us know if you have any more questions

-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by dadeitch » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:49 pm

In looking at this more, I'm getting this from maillog

Nov 20 16:43:55 po-001 magicspam[19039]: lm_sock.c:168 ERROR lm_fsock_connect(): No such file or directory [/var/run/magicspam/magicspam.sock]
Nov 20 16:43:55 po-001 magicspam[19044]: lm_sock.c:168 ERROR lm_fsock_connect(): No such file or directory [/var/run/magicspam/magicspam.sock]
Nov 20 16:43:55 po-001 magicspam[19045]: lm_sock.c:168 ERROR lm_fsock_connect(): No such file or directory [/var/run/magicspam/magicspam.sock]
Nov 20 16:43:55 po-001 magicspam[19046]: lm_sock.c:168 ERROR lm_fsock_connect(): No such file or directory [/var/run/magicspam/magicspam.sock]
Nov 20 16:43:56 po-001 magicspam[19055]: lm_sock.c:168 ERROR lm_fsock_connect(): No such file or directory [/var/run/magicspam/magicspam.sock]
Nov 20 16:43:56 po-001 magicspam[19056]: lm_sock.c:168 ERROR lm_fsock_connect(): No such file or directory [/var/run/magicspam/magicspam.sock]

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Re: license expires each month and stops filtering

Post by admin » Thu Nov 20, 2014 3:00 pm

Hello dadeitch

Thank you for your response.

Please run the following command on your server to remove MagicSpam:

> rpm --noscripts -e magicspam-exim

Once this has completed, please run the following command to re-install Magicspam:

> rpm -i /path/to/2.0-3.1/package

Once this is done try re-activating MagicSpam.

--MagicSpam Support Team --

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