MagicSpam PRO for cPanel 2.1-17.2 (BETA) has been released

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MagicSpam PRO for cPanel 2.1-17.2 (BETA) has been released

Post by magicspam » Tue Aug 23, 2022 12:19 pm

Dear MagicSpam Customers,

We have now released MagicSpam PRO for cPanel 2.1-17.2 (BETA) which is a patch release for the previous release that updates:

MagicSpam PRO for cPanel 2.1-17.2
  • Update: Disable Email Lookup Functionality when RATELIMIT

To upgrade, please follow these steps:
  1. Download the BETA package from the Download Site
  2. Upload the BETA package onto your server
  3. Log in as root to a terminal on your server
  4. Install BETA package by running the command

    Code: Select all

    rpm -Uvh /path/to/package

Rest assured that all your MagicSpam configurations will be preserved after the upgrade.

We thank all those who supplied us with feedback and feature requests and encourage you all to keep on sending us your great ideas for features you would like to see in MagicSpam to continue making this product better.

-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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