blocked IP... no issues

There will always be opinions, both good and bad on how MagicSpam protection, rules and policies are used, and what the defaults should be. Different environments may have different needs. We try to find the perfect balance, and that is not always easy. Just remember that we have to satisfy millions of users.. not just one person.

Moderators: wizard, magicspam

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blocked IP... no issues

Post by rossh » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:15 am

Your system blocked my server IP from sending. I read your list of causes, and none of them apply. This server has never sent any spam to anyone ever. It is NOT listed anywhere as abusive or RBL'd anywhere, and never has been.

So what is wrong with your system?

host []
SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<>:
550-5.5.1 Server IP listed as abusive. See
550- for more information..
550 Protection provided by MagicSpam 2.1-14.1

In a realated issue, I sent a two line simple text message from a gmail account to the address above... which also bounced back as spam. So I ask again... what is wrong with your system?

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Re: blocked IP... no issues

Post by magicspam » Tue Feb 09, 2021 3:25 pm

Hello rossh,

Thank you for your post.

If you follow the URL in the rejection notice, you should find detailed information as to why your message was blocked.

It appears that the IP address ( is listed on the MIPSPACE reputation lists and UCEPROTECT lists. Please contact and for delisting and further support.

We are the developers of the software and not the operators of the email server. If you feel your messages are being blocked without just cause, contact the recipient and ask them to 'whitelist' you, or contact your email administrator to address the issues that caused your messages to be rejected.

We hope this information helps.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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