Bulk Whitelisting or Domain wide listing

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Re: Bulk Whitelisting or Domain wide listing

Post by magicspam » Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:46 pm

Hello j*z,

Thank you for your post. We will forward your suggestion to our development team for consideration.

Regarding rejected emails due to MIPSPACE-POOR, the newer version of MagicSpam PRO supports the option to 'flag' spam messages with your customized text and pass the messages for further delivery as defined in your mail server. With the "flag only" mode enabled, detected spam messages are not rejected outright, which is the default behavior.

With a MagicSpam PRO installation, to access the option as the administrator, please access the menu:

"Settings / System Settings"

You will need to click on the 'show advanced settings' checkbox to see the controls specific to that - though you will likely find that the default settings are sufficient.

As to the end user controls, those are indeed available in the User control panel interface - whereby the 'Spam Settings' and 'IP
Reputation' interfaces present a 3rd option 'FLAG' instead of just ON and OFF.

Hope this information helps!
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Re: Bulk Whitelisting or Domain wide listing

Post by magicspam » Fri Nov 03, 2017 1:43 pm

Hello tkalfaoglu,

Thank you for your post.

Please note that in the recent versions of MagicSpam, using wild cards, while not recommended, it is permitted for white listing entire domains.

e.g. *@domain.tld

Could you please let us know what is the exact issue you are trying to resolve and we might be able to provide you an alternative solution.

Thank you,
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Re: Bulk Whitelisting or Domain wide listing

Post by magicspam » Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:22 pm

Hello tkalfaoglu,

While we have replied to your question through email, we are posting the answer for the command here for future reference as well.

The -h option is for specifying the base path to the MagicSpam directory, which is "/etc".

Therefore, the full command to use would be like the following:

Code: Select all

 /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/modules/magicspampro/magicspam-listmgr -h /etc -k -a email@address

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