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IPv6 support

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:32 pm
by H_verschooten
I recently switched to MagicSpam, but have some questions regarding Ipv6.

In exemptions - Sender IP White List, I can add single IPv5 addresses, but when adding a range, I get an error saying the module does not support IPv6.
Does this mean the single addresses too will not be respected?



Re: IPv6 support

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:20 pm
by magicspam
Hello Herman,

Thank you for your post.

Currently, only IPV4 addresses are allowed to be added manually via the Sender IP white/black lists in MagicSpam Admin Interface panel. If you are looking to add the IPV6 to the white/black lists, you can do so directly from the MagicSpam Logs Search, by clicking on the sender's IPV6 address link and adding it to the whitelist.

We hope this information helps.