Sorting Exemptions Lists In Settings

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Sorting Exemptions Lists In Settings

Post by ptarver65 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:40 am

It would be helpful if the Exemptions Lists on the settings tab were sorted. For example, I have several domains I've added to the Sender From Black List list and they are displayed in the order they were added, but I often need to double check whether I have already entered a domain and it is difficult when the list isn't in alphabetical order. This also applies to the IP listings.

An alternative might be to allow users to export the exemptions to a csv file like you do on the logs.

Thanks in Advance!

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Re: Sorting Exemptions Lists In Settings

Post by magicspam » Fri Jul 06, 2018 1:37 pm

Hello ptarver65,

Thank you for your post.

We have now created a development ticket for the feature that would allow whitelists/blacklists entries under the Exemption tab to be sorted alphabetically/numerically and have passed it to our development team for consideration.

We do not yet have a time line in which this feature will be implemented; for new features and releases, please follow us on twitter:


or check our "News and Announcements" forum section:

Thank you again for your feature request!
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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