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SpamAssassin subject rewrite and delivery

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:30 am
by Chris74
I would like to ensure the exact same behaviour when spam is caught by SpamAssassin as when caught by MagicSpam. MagicSpam does not seem to be enough to stop some spam, so it is necessary to have SpamAssassin also installed.

We have MagicSpam set to NOT rewrite the subject but instead place the spam in the spam folder.

When spam is caught by SpamAssassin it automatically rewrites the subject and delivers to the inbox.

I think it would be sensible to ensure the same behaviour for both to prevent confusion to the end user. I am wondering how best to achieve this.

Re: SpamAssassin subject rewrite and delivery

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 5:39 pm
by magicspam
Hello Chris74,

Thank you for your post.

While we only provide additional custom MagicSpam rules for SpamAssassin, configuring SpamAssassin is done from the Exim Configuration Manager in WHM/cPanel. In order to find more information on how to configure SpamAssassin in WHM/cPanel, we would suggest looking in the WHM/cPanel online resources.

For your convenience, we are providing you some helpful links below. ... er.223951/ ... ost-320481 ... ite.66192/

We hope this information helps.

Re: SpamAssassin subject rewrite and delivery

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:41 am
by Chris74
That's not really good enough.

Sadly your product misses A LOT of spam. I suppose it is a testimonial in itself that a second anti spam system is required to pick up all the stuff that your (expensive) software misses. You should consider that you are failing your customers if they need to add a second product to pick up the spam that you can't stop. There's nothing very "magic" about that is there? For a premium anti spam solution that's inexcusable.

If you are intervening in the delivery of messages on a cpanel server and allowing us to choose whether or not the subject is re-written - you need to extend this to messages that are stopped via SpamAssassin too. You recommend the use of SpamAssassin so it is really down to you to ensure that the method of delivery (as you are modifying this) is the same on the system for all messages.

What we have is a mix of mail going into the spam folder and mail being delivered to the inbox marked as ***SPAM*** and that is simply not good enough. You should have put some more thought into this process and added some additional functionality to ensure that messages dealt with by SpamAssassin are handled in the same way as your system - since it is absolutely necessary to use SpamAssassin on cpanel because your product is too weak to catch all the spam messages coming in.

Re: SpamAssassin subject rewrite and delivery

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:13 pm
by magicspam
Thank you for your suggestion, MagicSpam was originally designed to provide highly efficient policy and reputation based anti-spam protection. For content filtering based anti-spam which is computing resource intensive, it is only recommended when there are spam messages that get through MagicSpam. In those cases, we would recommend utilizing the cPanel/WHM built-in SpamAssassin feature with our provided SpamAssassin custom rules in our PRO versions. Please note that the cPanel/WHM SpamAssassin has its own separate delivery process with system-level and user-level settings controlling it. While the MagicSpam PRO can handle the system-settings, the user-settings are more problematic. However, we agree that having tighter integration, if possible by the cPanel/WHM integration interface, will be beneficial. We will forward your suggestion to our development team for future consideration.

We see that you have also contacted our support team through email; we will continue working with you to resolve all your pain points as we gather more information from you through email.

Thank you!