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Request for MagicSpam Integration with Roundcube in cPanel for End-User Whitelist Management

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 5:12 am
by lucasdomonte
Dear MagicSpam Team,

I am writing as a user of MagicSpam on a server running CloudLinux 7 and cPanel. I have been appreciative of the effectiveness of MagicSpam in reducing spam on my server. However, I have identified a significant opportunity to enhance the end-user experience for those using the Roundcube webmail.

I would like to propose the development of a module or extension for MagicSpam that allows for direct integration with Roundcube in cPanel. Specifically, it would be extremely beneficial if end-users, who do not have access to cPanel but only to their webmail, could manage their domain whitelist directly within Roundcube. This feature would provide greater autonomy and efficiency in email management and enhance the overall usability of the webmail service for managing legitimate emails.

Looking forward to your consideration and hopeful for a positive response.

Best regards,
Lucas Matheus

Re: Request for MagicSpam Integration with Roundcube in cPanel for End-User Whitelist Management

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:39 am
by magicspam
Hello lucasdomonte,

Thank you for your post and your feedback.

We have now passed your feature request to our development team for further consideration. Just for the record and future inquiries on the status of this ticket, the development ticket number is TT#1066 .

We greatly appreciate your feedback - please follow our News and Announcements section for future news and releases:

Thank you again,

-- MagicSpam Support Team --