question about spamassassin custom scores

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question about spamassassin custom scores

Post by dzamanakos » Fri Jan 27, 2023 1:28 am

Hi, before magicspam i used the file :


to have my custom scores. Is this file read by magicspam and the custom scores are parded?

I also want to ask about the score of this rule:
5.1 LM_FREEMAIL_SPEARPHISH1 Freemail source. Known spearphishing pattern.

I had an email from a gmail account that got this score from this rule. I see that in /etc/mail/spamassassin there is no reference about this rule and couldn't find something in google about it.
Is this a rule of your plugin? Is there any documentation about when this score is applied?


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Re: question about spamassassin custom scores

Post by magicspam » Fri Jan 27, 2023 4:05 pm

Hello dzamanakos,

MagicSpam provides custom content filtering rules but does not actually perform the content filtering. That's the responsibility of the SpamAssassin software on your system. As such, you can continue to place your custom rules into the specified file like before. SpamAssassin will load and apply both your and our custom rules.

Otherwise, any rule with the LM_ prefix are part of the MagicSpam custom content filtering rules. These rules are stored in the same location as the upstream content filtering rules provided by SpamAssassin themselves. These rules are applied at the same time as with the upstream rules after the message body has been transmitted.

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