This is due to the new security ACLs shipped with this version of cPanel / WHM. To resolve you can either download an updated version of MagicSpam from , or you can do the following:HTTP error 401
WHM is configured to disallow execution of unregistered applications when logged in as root or a reseller with the "all" ACL. To enable this functionality you must do one of the following: Register this addon using /usr/local/cpanel/bin/register_appconfig (, Enable the "Allow apps that have not registered with AppConfig to be run when logged in as root or a reseller with the "all" ACL in WHM" option in "Tweak Settings", or add permit_unregistered_apps_as_root=1 to /var/cpanel/cpanel.config, and run /usr/local/cpanel/etc/init/startcpsrvd
* Log in to your cPanel/WHM server command line as "root"
* Run the following commands:
Code: Select all
mkdir -p /var/cpanel/apps
chmod 755 /var/cpanel/apps
echo "service=whostmgr" > /tmp/magicspam.conf
echo "url=/cgi/addon_magicspam.cgi" >> /tmp/magicspam.conf
echo "acls=root" >> /tmp/magicspam.conf
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/register_appconfig /tmp/magicspam.conf
rm -f /tmp/magicspam.conf