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How to install MagicSpam in Plesk?

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:58 am
by magicspam
To install MagicSpam LITE or PRO in Plesk, first make sure that you have purchased the correct MagicSpam license from any authorized resellers or from our web store directly:

With that MagicSpam license download the appropriate installation package for your system from our download site:

and install it in your Plesk via the extension manager by uploading the package under "My Extensions" section.

Please note that as of Plesk version 17.x, the "Upload Extension" option in the Plesk Extension Manager is not available unless you add the following lines to the /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/panel.ini file:



extensionUpload = true


Lastly, MagicSpam can be simply installed via the command line as well. To install MagicSpam, upload the zip file you have downloaded to /root/ folder of your server and run:

plesk bin extension --install /path/to/

plesk bin extension --install /root/