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MagicSpam PRO for Plesk 2.1-17.2 and MagicSpam LITE for Plesk 2.0.24-2 have been released

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:24 am
by magicspam
Dear MagicSpam Customers,

We have now released MagicSpam PRO for Plesk 2.1-17.2 and MagicSpam LITE for Plesk 2.0.24-2 which are patch releases to the previous releases that addresses the following issue:

MagicSpam PRO for Plesk 2.1-17.2
  • Bug Fix: Fix hourly log search on dashboard
  • Bug Fix: Better IPv6 handling with Country Authentication Restrictions

MagicSpam LITE for Plesk 2.0.24-2
  • Bug Fix: Fix hourly log search on dashboard

To upgrade, you can either use the 'Upgrade Now' button at the bottom of the alerts message in your MagicSpam admin interface panel or run the following command (as root):

Code: Select all

# MagicSpam PRO for Plesk
/opt/psa/admin/sbin/modules/magicspampro/package-updater -o -a

# MagicSpam LITE for Plesk
/opt/psa/admin/sbin/modules/magicspam/package-updater -o -a
You also have the option to install or manually upgrade MagicSpam by following these steps:
  1. Download the package from the Download Site
  2. Install the package via Plesk Extensions Interface (More Information)

Rest assured that all your MagicSpam configurations will be preserved after the upgrade.

Thank you!