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MagicSpam Lite for MailEnable 2.0.5-1 is now officially released

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 1:37 pm
by magicspam
Dear Valued Customers,

Our team has just released a version 2.0.5-1 of the MagicSpam Lite for MailEnable product line that includes the following updates:

        + New Feature: Log Search Date filter
        + New Feature: Server IP on BMS list daily report
        + New Feature: MagicSpam Interface Timezone Setting

To upgrade, you can simply point a browser to:

Enter your license key, then select the appropriate installer (32 bit or 64 bit)

Once downloaded, run the installer and click on 'Yes' when asked if you wish to upgrade over top of the currently installed version.

We thank all those who supplied us with feedback and feature requests and encourage you all to keep on sending us your great ideas for features you would like to see in MagicSpam to continue making this product better.

From all of our team, Thanks!