Uninstall Issues

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Moderators: wizard, magicspam

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Joined: Thu Mar 02, 2017 1:18 am

Uninstall Issues

Post by mastermatics » Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:10 am

the magicspam extension on my dedicated server stopped working yesterday, and i tried uninstalling the same from the Plesk Control Panel itself where i got the following error:
Error: The extension MagicSpam Embedded Protection was removed with errors:
Execution of /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/modules/magicspam/scripts/pre-uninstall.php failed with exit code 1 and the output:
[2017-03-02 13:37:32] DEBUG [util_exec] [6ec69c09940d085fa427e49da0cb297c-0] Starting: osdetect, stdin:
[2017-03-02 13:37:32] DEBUG [util_exec] [6ec69c09940d085fa427e49da0cb297c-0] Finished in 0.00521s, Error code: 0, stdout: {"name":"CentOS","version":"6.6","short-version":"6","arch":"x86_64","pkgtype":"rpm"}
, stderr:
[2017-03-02 13:37:32] DEBUG [extension/magicspam] [58b7d2c42e53b] Starting: '/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/magicspam/pre-uninstall-real.sh' , stdin:
[2017-03-02 13:37:32] DEBUG [extension/magicspam] [58b7d2c42e53b] Finished in 0.00133s, Error code: 126, stdout: , stderr: sh: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/magicspam/pre-uninstall-real.sh: Permission denied

Failed to perform uninstall steps: Execution pre-uninstall-real.sh has failed with exit code 126, stdout: , stderr: sh: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/magicspam/pre-uninstall-real.sh: Permission denied

However when i tried to remove it from the server via the command line, it gave the reply that it was not installed.
While re installing it from the extension catalogue, i get the following error:
Error: Failed to install the extension:
Execution of /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/modules/magicspam/scripts/post-install.php failed with exit code 1 and the output:
[2017-03-02 14:37:01] DEBUG [util_exec] [10006fb097fae836d749b730a99380cc-0] Starting: osdetect, stdin:
[2017-03-02 14:37:01] DEBUG [util_exec] [10006fb097fae836d749b730a99380cc-0] Finished in 0.02498s, Error code: 0, stdout: {"name":"CentOS","version":"6.6","short-version":"6","arch":"x86_64","pkgtype":"rpm"}
, stderr:
[2017-03-02 14:37:01] DEBUG [extension/magicspam] [58b7e0b5a874f] Starting: '/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/magicspam/post-install-real.sh' 'rhel6', stdin:
[2017-03-02 14:37:01] DEBUG [extension/magicspam] [58b7e0b5a874f] Finished in 0.00139s, Error code: 126, stdout: , stderr: sh: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/magicspam/post-install-real.sh: Permission denied

Failed to install binary package: Execution post-install-real.sh has failed with exit code 126, stdout: , stderr: sh: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/magicspam/post-install-real.sh: Permission denied

Any help as to how I can install it again???


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Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:27 pm

Re: Uninstall Issues

Post by magicspam » Tue Mar 07, 2017 5:49 pm

Hello mastermatics,

Thank you for your post.

It is possible that the permissions on the MagicSpam modules directory have somehow got changed.

In order to start troubleshooting this issue would you please be able to send us the output of the following command:

ls -laR /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/magicspam/

Also, it wold be useful if you could provide us some additional information about your platform:

- Operating System and Version

- Operating System Architecture (32 bit or 64 bit)

- Plesk, cPanel, or Zimbra

- MTA (Qmail, Postfix, Exim)

Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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