I have the default best practises set and so was surprised to see the following entry:
2012-05-05 07:42:01 magicspam-plesk[1803] HAM mua=0 ip=[] helo=<host69-115.lanoptic.net> snacksvui67@pacunion.com info@xxx.com>
Can you help me understand why this was not marked as spam.
Why Is This Ham?
Re: Why Is This Ham?
The message was passed on as HAM because of the 'softdnseror'. This means that your server was not able to check the reverse DNS of the IP address for whatever reason.
MagicSpam will not block messages due to a softdnserror because of their potential to be legitimate. In other words we do not penalize senders because of a problem that could potentially be on the recipient's end.
We do agree that in this case, judging by the HELO message, that this message appears to have been sent by a dynamic IP address and would normally would have been blocked by the check_dynamic_reverse_dns rule.
The message was passed on as HAM because of the 'softdnseror'. This means that your server was not able to check the reverse DNS of the IP address for whatever reason.
MagicSpam will not block messages due to a softdnserror because of their potential to be legitimate. In other words we do not penalize senders because of a problem that could potentially be on the recipient's end.
We do agree that in this case, judging by the HELO message, that this message appears to have been sent by a dynamic IP address and would normally would have been blocked by the check_dynamic_reverse_dns rule.
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