my mail server blacklisted ?

There will always be opinions, both good and bad on how MagicSpam protection, rules and policies are used, and what the defaults should be. Different environments may have different needs. We try to find the perfect balance, and that is not always easy. Just remember that we have to satisfy millions of users.. not just one person.

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my mail server blacklisted ?

Post by kmchen » Sat Jun 22, 2019 10:09 am

I got an undelivered mail today, trying to contact a provider for work, saying 2 different things as my server is "[] matches a pattern which was abusive in the past" or " has bad DNS reverse".

The message contains different links like ... _dns_list/ for more information. Protection provided by MagicSpam 2.0.17-1


My server has correct DNS reverse and has never been blacklisted as I know from that I use to survey my server health. I can send mails to gmail or hotmail users with no problem.

How can I get unblacklist my server from your lists that my provider apparently has subscribed to ?

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Re: my mail server blacklisted ?

Post by magicspam » Mon Jun 24, 2019 2:11 pm

Hello kmchen,

Thank you for your post.

We have checked the reverse DNS record for the provided IP address: and we see that is in a dynamic style:

Also, based on the rejection messages we see that this reverse DNS record was reported in the past as a spam source,

To resolve this issue, we would suggest updating your reverse DNS record to something that better represent your email server;

e.g: mail.yourdomain.tld

For more information about the best practices for reverse DNS naming conventions, please see following articles: ... verse_dns/ ... valid-ptr/

Lastly, if you feel your messages are being blocked without just cause, contact the recipient and ask them to 'whitelist' you, or contact your email administrator to address the issues that caused your messages to be rejected.

We hope this information helps.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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Re: my mail server blacklisted ?

Post by kmchen » Thu Jun 27, 2019 7:18 am

I see many complains about false positive on your forum and I see that the points you report are very week:

1/ Am I free to choose the name I want for my server and should I reconfigure all my services with a name at your convenience because you, Magicspam, decided to blacklist my server ?

2/ My server has been marked as SPAM in the past ? When ? Several years ago that server has been attacked and used to send SPAMS during one day. I did clean the situation quickly and now you're gona blacklist my server for ever ?

Now I will have to contact my recipient to whitelist me ! How can I contact my recipient when you prevent my emails from working properly and he can't receive my mails ?

Finally why none antispam instances from ... n=toolpage do not mark my server as SPAM and you do ? I can send mails to hotmail, gmail users and not to those that use your "antispam".

That "magicspam" seems to be a bitter joke.

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Re: my mail server blacklisted ?

Post by kmchen » Thu Jul 04, 2019 12:48 am

Now I would like to know how to whitelist my server. Do you provide any possibility to do that ?

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Re: my mail server blacklisted ?

Post by magicspam » Fri Jul 05, 2019 11:36 am

Hello kmchen,

Thank you for your post.

You are free to choose the reverse DNS name you want for your server: however, per today's best practices for mail server operators, the PTR name should reflect the server's purpose (e.g. and in addition, because the name given matches a dynamic style pattern, e.g. that has been known for sending spam messages in the past, naming your server with same pattern would cause the delivery issues for your server.

Please note that only dynamic style reverse DNS records are affected by this policy; to resolve this issue, you can simply update the existing record to the static style reverse DNS record:

e.g: mail.domain.tld

or if you wish to keep the existing PTR record, feel free to add additional, PTR record to the current record in the static form mentioned above - this will ensure that mentioned policy will not be triggered.

We hope this information helps.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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