HAM List

There will always be opinions, both good and bad on how MagicSpam protection, rules and policies are used, and what the defaults should be. Different environments may have different needs. We try to find the perfect balance, and that is not always easy. Just remember that we have to satisfy millions of users.. not just one person.

Moderators: wizard, magicspam

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HAM List

Post by webedupt » Mon Jun 10, 2019 7:12 am


I need to know where magicspam store emails from clients when some client sent ..
I need to create one script to take these emails and put in another file, for my relatory purpose.
I know from logs im able to filter from sender, but I need to know where magicspam store these emails.

thanks for help.

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Re: HAM List

Post by magicspam » Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:37 pm

Hello webedupt,

Thank you for your post.

Incoming messages that are being classified as HAM would be originally delivered to the customer's Inbox.

Please note that the final destination folder of the message might be different if the customer has mail filters or have manually moved the email to a different folder.

As for messages sent by your customers, the sent message would be saved in the "Sent" folder; however, that fully depends on the settings configured in the customer's email client (some customers might opt out from saving sent messages whatsoever).

We hope this answers your question.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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Re: HAM List

Post by webedupt » Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:58 pm

maybe i dont explain exactly what i want.
I have from_whitelist file.
and I have exim_mainlog file.
I checked OUTBOUND in exim_maxinlog and put these emails in another file for backup purpose.
I dont want to check exim_mainlog for these emails, i want to know if there is any file in magicspam that stores the sent emails.


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Re: HAM List

Post by magicspam » Tue Jun 11, 2019 4:13 pm

Hello webedupt,

Thank you for the clarification.

If we understand correctly, you would like to know where MagicSpam is storing email that are sent.

Please note that MagicSpam does not store any emails - MagicSpam simply process the message and pass it further to your system for delivery. That said, MagicSpam does not offer the option to access send emails for review or backup.

In this case, we would suggest you to look into available archiving systems available for your hosting platform.

We hope this information helps.

Have a great day.
-- MagicSpam Support Team --

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