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Many false positives

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:37 pm
by mindwire

After running MagicSpam for more than a month, I'm still getting many many false positives.
False positives include newsletters that I've subscribed to, emails from clients, and many others such as legit notifications from MailChimp, Xero, etc (all services which I've signed up for).
I have all the default policies and rules turned on.
Is there a Policy or Rule that I can turn off that would stop these legitimate email from being marked as spam?
My clients are experiencing a lot of false positives as well.
Whitelisting the legit email addresses is not possible as MagicSpam is running at the server level and with more than 100 websites/clients, it is going to be too hard to constantly manually whitelist every legitimate email.
I would only like to keep policies and rules on that block legitimate spam; if this means a few more actual SPAM emails get through, that's ok, but I'd like to cut down on all the false positives.


Re: Many false positives

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 11:03 am
by magicspam
Hello mindwire,

Thank you for your post.

We are sorry to hear about the false positives in your system and we will work with you to have this resolved.

In order to better assist you with this issue, could you please check MagicSpam logs and let us know what policies/IP reputation lists are being triggered by these false positives?

Once we have this information we may have a better idea how to deal with the false positives in your system.

Please note that if whitelisting is not an option for you, PRO and PLUS versions of MagicSpam offers advanced "FLAG" feature that allow messages detected as spam to be delivered to customer's Inbox or Spam folder, where they can be further investigated and excluded if needed.

In addition could you please let us know following information about your platform:

- MagicSpam Version

- Operating System and Version

- Operating System Architecture (32 bit or 64 bit)

- Plesk, cPanel, MailEnable, DirectAdmin or Zimbra

Thank you mindwire.